Movies | WORLD
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A long, meaningful tractor ride

A long, meaningful tractor ride

With a measured release of details, The Straight Story helps us slow down, listen, and make peace

This television remake of the cult-classic film makes the most of its new format

MOVIE | A high-energy storm of enjoyable nonsense

Young Woman and the Sea tells the true story of a swimming legend while Twisters offers a silly romp about fighting tornadoes


Although set at the 1924 Olympics, Chariots of Fire is more about Eric Liddell’s strength of character and purpose

TRENDING | Cooling ticket sales for high-profile movies have theater owners sweating

MOVIE | Kevin Costner’s epic brings savage realism to the glories of the Old West, but the three-hour film lacks cohesion

MOVIE | Family film follows a ragtag baseball team through the ups and downs of sports camp

MOVIE | Madcap mayhem and a paltry plot characterize this Gru family sequel